Multiplication Fun

For early mathematics learning, memorizing the multiplication table is critical for mental calculation, but it's hard and boring for most young kids. I created this simple app using Flutter to make the process more fun and hopefully help them conquer it.

There seems no easier way than repeated practicing to memorize the multiplication table to an instinct reaction level. Visualization and vocalization are the two most common methods.

Vocalization Method

For the vocalization method, I observed that language itself plays a critical role in efficiency. For example, my kid had memorized the multiplication table quite well around 7 using Chinese but had much more trouble when trying to do it again using English at an older age. The main difference in this scenario is that 1 to 10 in Chinese all have only one syllable and has simpler rules for larger number pronunciations, which creates a simple rhythmical pattern and reduces the difficulty of memorization dramatically compared with English. I believe the effect applies to other languages too, though I don't think that languages still have a significant impact in later math education.

Visualization Method

The visualization method is about mapping the related numbers into the mind visually. For example, the chart is diagonally symmetrical, and special cases for tens and elevens, etc. There are many more different interesting properties in the multiplication chart which could be useful for memorization.

No matter which methods are chosen, enough repeating is still the key to building a long time memory. I hope the simple app could make the process more interesting and easier. If you have any advice for the app, just drop me a message.